"The Shape of Water" by Andrea Camilleri is a captivating crime novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey to Vigàta, a fictional town in Sicily. The story revolves around Inspector Montalbano, a seasoned detective known for his wit and keen investigative skills.
Camilleri's book was translated from Sicilian by Stephen Sartarelli in a simple and straightforward writing style that nonetheless conveys the sense of place and the feel of the characters effectively. In the story, Camilleri weaves together a complex plot filled with twists and turns that keep readers guessing until the very end. The characters are well-developed and relatable, each with their unique quirks and motivations. For instance, Augello, Montalbano’s deputy is a compulsive womaniser, while the desk sergeant Catarella, who obtained his job through connections, is portrayed as an endearing simpleton.
One of the highlights of the book is the vivid and immersive descriptions of Sicilian culture and landscapes. Camilleri brings Vigàta to life, painting a picture of a vibrant and colourful region that feels authentic and enchanting, which was ultimately inspired by his hometown of Porto Empedocle. The dialogue is witty and engaging, adding depth to the characters and enhancing the overall reading experience.
"The Shape of Water" is not just a crime novel but also a commentary on society and human nature. Camilleri explores themes of corruption, power, and the complexity of relationships, providing readers with plenty of food for thought. This is the hallmark of the Italian noire genre, of whom Camilleri is an important exponent.
"The Shape of Water" is a captivating and enjoyable read. Andrea Camilleri's skilful storytelling, coupled with his insightful observations, make this book a must-read for crime fiction lovers and anyone interested in Sicilian culture.
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